
  • Founded in 1868
  • Headquartered in New York City, NY

Know Your Mouth: Prevent & Detect Oral Cancer

During the early symptoms of oral cancer, there is no discomfort in the oral cavity, and signs of the disease may not be apparent. These tissues may be green or brown patches of small sizes that are easily detected when a light is directed to the affected area. In fact, in the absence of pain, the majority of individuals do not pay much attention to their oral cavity. Another problem is that if you do not often look at your oral cavity, it will be challenging to distinguish between normal and pathological conditions. There are no obvious symptoms, but if you have any of the following signs, seek professional dental help.

During the early symptoms of oral cancer

  • An ulcer or sore in the mouth that lasts for over three weeks without healing
  • Swelling in any part of the mouth, head, face, or neck that resembles any form of lumps.
  • Inability to open or close the mouth fully or to move the jaw or tongue in various ways, which has no obvious cause. 
  • Painful and persistently swollen throat with hoarseness that could take weeks to subside.
  • Tooth movement and shifting of teeth that have not been previously experienced and cannot be explained by any form of impact.
  • Another sign of oral thrush is the appearance of white or red patches in the mouth.
  • Chronic pain in the oral cavity

HPV and Oral Cancer

It is reported that the outcomes of oncogenic HPV are closely associated with 73% of oropharyngeal carcinomas and more than 12% of oncology oral cavity and hypopharynx carcinomas. The HPV vaccine is available for children between the ages of 12 & 13 years as part of the National Health Service (NHS) Immunization Schedule. Men and women under the age of 45 are also advised to reduce their risk of these diseases.

Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

Such visits afford patients an opportunity to discuss issues such as lumps, chronic pain, or other symptoms that indicate illness. Dentists cannot cure cancer, but they can identify issues of concern early and refer patients to a physician for further checkups. Our professional staff ensures that the environment is serene throughout the time of your appointment and treatment. We diagnose the problems affecting your teeth and determine the most appropriate solutions for you.

Risks of Chewing Tobacco

For many years, individuals were convinced that smokeless tobacco was significantly less hazardous than smoking cigarettes. Although it is not as destructive to the lungs as cigarette smoking, chewing tobacco is most certainly lethal to the mouth. Those who chew tobacco are 60 times more likely to develop oral cancer. Quitting smoking and chewing tobacco is crucial for health.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing are essential steps to maintain oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day removes plaque bacteria from teeth, preventing gum disease and oral cancer. Adding mouthwash to your routine helps remove bacterial remnants. Regular cancer screenings include visual observations and palpation of mouth tissues to detect suspicious lumps. If cancer is suspected, your dentist will prescribe further tests, such as biopsies.

Reducing Cancer Risks

Bacterial growth accelerates oral cancer formation, making proper hygiene crucial. Regular brushing and flossing cleans bacterial buildup and reduces cancer risk. Use mouthwash to maintain fresh breath. If you notice abnormalities like lumps or swelling, visit your dentist for further analysis. Sores that don’t heal and unbearable pain can be signs of oral cancer, warranting an immediate dental visit. Additionally, limiting alcohol consumption and avoiding excessive sun exposure to the lips can further reduce risks.


Prevention is better than cure. Prioritize regular dental checkups for a healthy smile and early oral cancer diagnosis. Smiley Dental encourages regular screenings and proper hygiene practices to maintain your oral health and catch potential issues early. Taking these preventive steps can save your life and keep your smile beautiful.

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Our Address

950 American Legion Hwy, Roslindale, MA 02136